SAVE THE DATE: JULY 26-28, 1011
Announcing the 3rd Annual Project Foundry Un-conference
We are thrilled to be announcing our third annual Project Foundry Un-conference! This year hosted at Northwest Passage High School in Coon Rapids, MN July 26- 28, 2011.
Mark your calendars and plan on joining the estimated 100+ innovative educators gather for an event like no other conference you've attended before (unless of course you've attending one of the first two ;)
More details will be forthcoming within the next month, but here are some basics:
* Cost: $150/ individual, $300/ team (early bird special)
* Tentative Schedule:
- Tuesday July 26th_: New to Project Foundry Workshop
- Wednesday July 27th_: 1st day of Un-conference, keynote, PM entertainment
- Thursday July 28th_: 2nd day of Un-conference (close at 2pm CDT)
* Travel: Coon Rapids is a short 30 minute drive from the Minneapolis/St.
Paul airport (MSP). Hotel suggestions will be announced soon.
* Quotes from Former Attendees:
_"I've been to both PF conferences. Each time I've been inspired and
energized by the attendees and their devotion to relinquishing
responsibility for learning to their students. They embody the notion that
a teacher's role is to create learning experiences that provoke
reflection. Most of all it's a blast to be in the company of folks who
love what they are doing. The evening carousing is a plus!"_
_"_Being able to hear and see the veteran's forms and assessments was
extremely valuable and encouraging. The general un-atmosphere was
refreshing as it involved all in attendance in setting the agenda, leaving
no one out - unless of course they didn't contribute."
"I found the "show and tell" sessions very helpful - having models of
practice and hearing the rational behind the practice informed our next
steps in our program and how we can make PF a strong tool to support those
"Meeting fellow PBL colleagues was great and getting new ideas and making
network contacts will be very useful this coming school year."
_"Such a great opportunity to be amongst other educators who are really
revolutionizing education."_